To the 5 of you who might have bookmarked 'BLACK HOLE'S LEDGE', you've probably noticed I haven't been posting much lately. That's because I'm hard at work on a couple new websites that need my attention.
Firstly is a new Dream Width account at http://mad30.dreamwidth.org/ which will be dedicated to dreams, nightmares, and subconscious rumblings that go bump in the night.
Secondly is the new CROSSROAD RESONANCES which will be a brand new site & forum to be officially launched in the next couple weeks (along with new podcasts). This site will be dedicated to local music and independent arts in my home state of Indiana, and in particular the Indianapolis area!
Also at work on a new "roundtable" interview with Mr. Gareth Icke (musician and son of author David Icke), occult researcher (and regular Coast to Coast AM guest) Tracy Twyman, and author Brian Allan which is sure to be both informative and entertaining!
So, I guess my point is I'll still be utilyzing BLACK HOLE'S LEDGE, but wouldn't be expecting more than 5 or 10 updates per month here. There's simply too much going on elsewhere at the moment that requires my time and dedication!
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