Most of you are too young and/or mentally stable to know who Pink Floyd is, but these Converse Dark Side His look psychedelically stunning with artwork from their classic Dark Side album.
This paper surveys evidence and arguments for the proposition that the universe as we know it is not a physical, material world but a computer-generated simulation -- a kind of virtual reality. The evidence is drawn from the observations of natural phenomena in the realm of quantum mechanics. The arguments are drawn from philosophy and from the results of experiment. While the experiments discussed are not conclusive in this regard, they are found to be consistent with a computer model of the universe. Six categories of quantum puzzles are examined: quantum waves, the measurement effect (including the uncertainty principle), the equivalence of quantum units, discontinuity, non-locality, and the overall relationship of natural phenomena to the mathematical formalism. Many of the phenomena observed in the laboratory are puzzling because they are difficult to conceptualize as physical phenomena, yet they can be modeled exactly by mathematical manipulations. When we analogize to the operations of a digital computer, these same phenomena can be understood as logical and, in some cases, necessary features of computer programming designed to produce a virtual reality simulation for the benefit of the user.
-MAD: Greg, it's an honor to speak with you today and I'm not blowing smoke when I say you've emerged as one of my favorite authors over the past few months. Thank you kindly for taking the time to answer a few questions. Your contributions to the STAR TREK universe have been second to none, with the exception, perhaps, of the illustrious Peter David. The masterfully crafted books 'The Eugenics Wars' Volumes 1 & 2, as well as 'To Reign In Hell' and 'The Q Continuum' are among the most highly recommended works of Trek literature! First off, a broad question but could you give us a little personal insight into the process of becoming an author, particularly in regards to the 'Star Trek' franchise? How did you break the galactic barrier and get signed on as a Captain (or at least a lieutenant commander) at the literary helm of such an acclaimed series?
-G.C: I've been a Trek fan all my life, but my big break came when Pocket Books had to launch the DEEP SPACE NINE book line in a hurry. The editor, John Ordover, needed to sign up a whole lot of DS9 novels to coincide with the TV series so he started looking around for new Trek writers. Fortunately, John and I had previously worked as assistant editors at Tor Books before, and he knew that John Gregory Betancourt and I had recently written several BATMAN short stories for DC Comics, so he recruited us for the DS9 program.
While still considered a strange destination on holiday, a growing number of people are seeking out cemeteries to visit. There is an inherent fascination in cemeteries that should be embraced. Whether you are interested in the architecture or artwork of the tombs, the history of the area, or simply seeking out the final resting place of a favorite personality, cemeteries are a worthwhile destination.
Arduinocaster is a an Arduino based MIDI instrument modelled on a guitar sometimes called a keytar. It uses switches and LEDs to control six “strings” which are held down in guitar like chords. Triggering the strings is through an opto reflective switch for a continuous repeating strum and four touch sensitive switches for a one off sequence. There are three banks of four picking/strumming/arpeggio styles and a three octave capo. Voice change information can also be sent.
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