Monday, January 26, 2009
Military Compounds Disguised as Rubbish Piles
As seen in the photos above, the measures described in Masquerade hide military presence amongst nature or historical sites or everyday human life. Today's War on Terror measures ramp up the sensation of barricading. Maybe it is a way of visually manifesting the fear of attack amongst everyday urbanism - propaganda of fear.
Ethernet Cable Action Figures
Who needs Gi-Joe when you can build your own badass action figures with some cable? Seriously, this is brilliant. I think it is worthy of an art exhibit.
The Art of War (guns and bullets)
There are artists who work with paint and clay, and then there are artists who create bizarre and thought-provoking art from slightly less conventional materials to prove a point. This collection features sculptures made from guns and bullets, high-speed bullet photography, illustrations of what happens when bullets pierce flesh and even drawings made by shooting at metal and paper with a sub-machine gun.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Just leaving word that I'll be a lot more scarce around these parts, as I continue developing the brand new experimental CONSPIRAPORN!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Top 10 Gruesome Fairy Tale Origins
Fairy tales of the past were often full of macabre and gruesome twists and endings. These days, companies like Disney have sanitized them for a modern audience that is clearly deemed unable to cope, and so we see happy endings everywhere. This list looks at some of the common endings we are familiar with - and explains the original gruesome origins.
You've got mail from half-digested children
Poor little kiddies have been gobbled up by artist Alex Pardee's nightmarish monsters, and will be in an adorably gruesome and intricate art show this week. Check out our haunting gallery.
Polybius: Mind experiment or urban legend?
Polybius is a supposed arcade game featured in an Internet urban legend. According to the story, the Tempest-style game was released to the public in 1981, and caused its players to go insane, causing them to suffer from intense stress and horrific nightmares. A short time after its release, it supposedly disappeared without a trace. No evidence for the existence of such a game has ever been discovered.
Polybius was born around 203BC in Megalopolis, Arcadia which at that time was an active member of the Achaean League.
Polybius was born around 203BC in Megalopolis, Arcadia which at that time was an active member of the Achaean League.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Milky Way — the galaxy — not snack-sized anymore
Take that, Andromeda! For decades, astronomers thought when it came to the major galaxies in Earth's cosmic neighborhood, our Milky Way was a weak sister to the larger Andromeda. Not anymore.
The Milky Way is considerably larger, bulkier and spinning faster than astronomers once thought, Andromeda's equal.
The Latest in Monster Fashion
If you like monsters, then this fanged, googly-eyed hoodie from Monsterhoodies will make you roar with glee. Or you can show monster pride by carrying an elephant-squid messenger bag.
Gaze Back In Time And Map History Of Universe
UK astronomers are set to expand our knowledge of the history of our Universe with a new project to map the inception and formation of galaxies. Making use of an Infrared Array Camera on NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, the Spitzer Extragalactic Representative Volume Survey (SERVS) will make a very large map of the sky, capable of detecting extremely faint galaxies. The primary aim is to chart the distribution of stars and black holes from when the Universe was less than a billion years old to the present day.
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