With news today that a Scottish brewing company has laid claim to creating the worlds strongest beer, we take a look at some other tipples you may well want to think twice about trying.
Monday, December 21, 2009
10 Weird and Wonderful Beers from Around the World
With news today that a Scottish brewing company has laid claim to creating the worlds strongest beer, we take a look at some other tipples you may well want to think twice about trying.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Entropy Alone Can Create Complex Crystals
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Rainbow Trapped for the 1st Time...
Oh, to catch a rainbow. Well, it's been done for the first time ever – and with just a simple lens and a plate of glass at that. The technique could be used to store information using light, a boon for optical computing and telecommunications.
All-optical computing devices promise to be faster and more efficient than current technology, but they suffer from the drawback that signals have to be converted back and forth from optical to electrical. The ability to "slow" light to a crawl or even trap it helps, as information in the light can then be manipulated directly.
360 degree panorama of Stonehenge
An exclusive image of Stonehenge taken from within the inner circle - normally out of bounds to the public. To move around the image click the left mouse button and hold down whilst dragging the mouse around. To zoom in press A and to zoom out press Z.
Medical Marijuana: Ancient and Modern History, Current Therapeutic Eruptions

Sunday, December 6, 2009
Top 10 Reclusive Artists
Masturbate in Style...

Using the latest photo-luminescent materials they charge up from the sun or any bright light source, so they can be used again and again – they’ll just keep on glowing for up to two hours per charge!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Legends, Tales, and Myths of The World
Although myths and fables can be strangely odd in orientation and include mythical creatures and godly beings, they are closely related to religion and endorsed by kings, queens, and priests. In some cases, these myths are so bizarre that they scream fabrication; however most of them are regarded as “a true account of the remote past".
Extinct Goat was Cold Blooded, Reptilian
Sunday, November 15, 2009
A striking clock, literally and figuratively

How to make your own Green Lantern ring

Google unveils protocol for an interplanetary internet
Vint Cerf, Google's internet evangelist, has unveiled a new protocol intended to power an interplanetary internet.
The Delay-Tolerant Networking (DTN) protocol emerged from work first started in 1998 in partnership with Nasa's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The initial goal was to modify the ubiquitous Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) to facilitate robust communications between celestial bodies and satellites.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Peacock Spider
Only found in Australia, they were classified as species Maratus volans because people originally thought the flap was for gliding after jumping. Wiki
For Improving Early Literacy, Reading Comics Is No Child's Play

Animal Mummies
Wrapped in linen and reverently laid to rest, animal mummies hold intriguing clues to life and death in ancient Egypt.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
The First Starlight...
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Confirmation of Underground Lunar Caves
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Eye Candy
Saturday, October 17, 2009
The Eye-Popping Moment When Human Life Begins
This dazzling image looks like an orange sun blazing in an alien sky, but it's actually a micrograph of in-vitro fertilization, showing the moment at which the sperm penetrates the egg's membrane. It's just one of many award-winning science images.
http://io9.com/5383016/the-eye+popping- ... s/gallery/
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
TV project in works based on Bat Boy, other characters
Move over, Astro Boy and Iron Man -- Bat Boy could be stepping up to the plate soon.
The half-bat, half-human character is just one of 30-odd wacky creations spawned by the erstwhile supermarket tabloid Weekly World News and now up for grabs in Hollywood.
CAA has signed WWN to a representation deal, and DreamWorks is developing a TV show that likely will be the first to tap into the company's library of characters and its tens of thousands of offbeat stories.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Giant Posable Centipede

Thankfully, here’s something you don’t see every day, a Giant Posable Centipede! Yes, that’s right, now you can finally have your very own 56 inch long, one hundred legged centipede to play with. This realistic killer insect is foam-filled, hand-painted and fully posable. You could have a total blast playing pranks with this thing.
Friday, October 9, 2009
10 Famous Unfinished Works of Art
Easter Island Ice
Stone Cold Ice Cube Tray – $7.95
Here’s one for your next party: the Stone Cold Ice Tray that makes ice shaped like the moais of Easter Island! Perfect for your tropical drink.
The Ultimate Zombie Book List

The Ultimate Zombie Book List is attempting to assemble the most complete list of zombie and zombie-like books available on the internet.
A hot spot called Hell’s CafĂ©

Modern franchised theme restaurants can’t hold a proverbial candle to what may have been the first restaurant of its type.
A hot spot called Hell’s CafĂ© lured 19th-century Parisians to the city’s Montmartre neighborhood—like the Marais—on the Right Bank of the Seine. With plaster lost souls writhing on its walls and a bug-eyed devil’s head for a front door, le CafĂ© de l’Enfer may have been one of the world’s first theme restaurants. According to one 1899 visitor, the cafĂ©’s doorman—in a Satan suit—welcomed diners with the greeting, “Enter and be damned!” Hell’s waiters also dressed as devils. An order for three black coffees spiked with cognac was shrieked back to the kitchen as: “Three seething bumpers of molten sins, with a dash of brimstone intensifier!”
How in the world can I be impressed with an old baseball bat on the wall at TGIFriday’s when Hell’s Cafe had writhing lost souls on the walls?
Saturday, October 3, 2009
No One Can Hear You Scream...

Cirque du Soleil founder Guy Laliberte became the seventh paying space tourist to travel to the station, where he plans to mix clownish fun with a serious message about the growing shortage of clean water on the planet 220 miles (355 kilometers) below.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Rare Apple has Split Personality

John Breach, chairman of the British Independent Fruit Growers Association, said: ‘I’ve never seen this happen before to a Golden Delicious. It is extremely rare. It is an extreme mutation.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Zombie Pin-Ups and other Retro Horrors

12 Surface IQ Pentagon

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Cave Diving into the Devil's Eye

Longest lightning storm on Saturn breaks Solar System record
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Egyptian temples followed heavenly plans
Hieroglyphs on temple walls have hinted at the use of astronomy in temple architecture, including depictions of the "stretching of the cord" ceremony in which the pharaoh marked out the alignment for the temple with string. But there had been little evidence to support the drawings. Belmonte and Mosalam Shaltout of the Helwan Observatory in Cairo found that the temples are all aligned according to an astronomically significant event, such as a solstice or equinox, or the rising of Sirius, the brightest star in the sky.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Secrets Of Hats On The Easter Island Statues

Gaze Upon The Most Beautiful Viruses You'll Ever See

Thursday, September 3, 2009
New Study Shows Each Person has "At Least 100 Mutations"
Monday, August 31, 2009
Too Many Zombies!

Disney Purchases Marvel Comics for estimated $4 billion

Sunday, August 30, 2009
When Black Devil Dolls Attack!

Molecule Million X Smaller than Grain of Sand, Imaged

Scientists from IBM used an atomic force microscope (AFM) to reveal the chemical bonds within a molecule.
'This is the first time that all the atoms in a molecule have been imaged,' lead researcher Leo Gross said.
Time Machine Clock