Friday, October 31, 2008
Small water fleas help ecologists understand population dynamics
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The Fire Rainbow: An Astonishing And Rare Marvel Of Nature
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
'Digital dark age' may doom some data
Monday, October 27, 2008
The museum of unworkable devices
The Infinite Brain...
Friday, October 24, 2008
'Fishbowl' space ships and giant stars
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Planets Thought Dead Might Be Habitable
The zone may not be so fixed, it turns out. Some extrasolar planets that one might assume are too cold to host life could in fact be made habitable by a squishing effect from their stars, a new study found.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Robotic ants building homes on Mars?

I think a better idea for robo-insects would be in helping to fertilize the soil and terraform, not building mud houses for human inhabitants.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Scientists create 'world's most relaxing room'
It can only mean one thing...
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Ghostly Glow Reveals Galaxy Clusters In Collision
35 phenomenal fractal art images
Thursday, October 16, 2008
12 Elemental Fire and Light Formations
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Wildlife Made Out Of E-Waste
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Milky Way like you've never seen it before
The spiral galaxy, which cannot be seen with the naked eye, was captured by photographer Wally Pacholka using a 35mm camera and 50mm lens on a tripod with a 30-second exposure - long enough to collect the light but not to see the stars moving.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Strange, deep holes
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Google Megalomaniacs in Bed with Pentagon/NWO Lunatics
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Classic series 'V' coming back to TV
Variety reports that the new 'V' will focus on a Homeland Security agent whose son joins up with aliens who claim to have come to earth in peace but have plans to take over the planet.
As in the original miniseries, there will be a number of different storylines involving the humans battling against the aliens. There are no details at present on the cast of the new 'V'.
Friday, October 10, 2008
6 menacing towers fit for a super-villain
Continued at: -DEPUTY DOG- .
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Second case of "virgin birth" recorded in sharks
In a study reported Friday in the Journal of Fish Biology, scientists said DNA testing proved that a pup carried by a female Atlantic blacktip shark in the Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center contained no genetic material from a male.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Robot Typewriters Come Alive
How To Make Hyper-Evolved Plants
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
2 new websites you should bookmark
Please keep in mind that these sites are works in progress (the latter was just set up 24 hours ago!) and will grow over the upcoming weeks. In the meantime, "under construction" tags are in order, yet both websites will be updated on a weekly basis with unique perspective and original submissions you won't find anywhere else!
Comments, questions, critiques, like to get involved?! Simply write me at , and special thanks to all the wonderful people who are already involved with these projects. The best is yet to come!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Oct. 7, 1959: Luna 3's Images From the Dark Side

Though taken Oct. 7, 1959, the first image of the far side of the moon was not transmitted back to Earth until 11 days later.
The space probe Luna 3 takes the first photographs of the dark side of the moon. The radio-controlled Luna 3 was part of the Soviet Union's highly successful lunar program, which completed 20 missions to the moon between January 1959 and October 1970.
Nearly One In Four Of World’s Mammals At Risk of Extinction
Toy Robot Intended to Save Humans From Evil, Future Bots

So to save the world, he formed Hanson Robotics and built Zeno, a 17-inch robot boy, who smiles, laughs, recognizes your face and remembers your name.
Fending off the end of the world may be a heavy mantle to hang on the shoulders of a 17-inch robot that's still in prototype stage, but Hanson does call Zeno the superhero of the singularity.
Full Story at: -WIRED- .
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Skydivers make unprecedented jump over Everest
About 32 skydivers from more than 10 countries including Britain, Canada, the United States and New Zealand have been in the Everest region since last week to jump from an aircraft flying 465 feet higher than the Everest summit.
Messenger Returns to Mercury

Last time Messenger passed by Mercury, according to NASA, it took pictures of about 20 percent of the still mysterious surface. That close encounter showed that volcanoes spilled out rock to create many of the planet’s flat plains, and that its magnetic field seems to be produced by a core of molten iron.
On this mission, another 30 percent of the surface, including the side of the planet that scientists have not yet seen, will be mapped in 1,200 high-resolution color images. Other data will also be collected, measuring the planet’s topographic bumpiness, which scientists will compare to the images of the surface.
Pedal Powered Pink Panzer
Friday, October 3, 2008
The highest blog in the world
Their goal is to update, directly for a month, the highest blog in the world, do the highest Skype call, and bring Twitter up to 26.000 feet.
Amazingly Creative Japanese Barcodes

You will be amazed at what can be done with a few straight lines and a push to think outside of a very ordinary box.
See more at -WEIRD ASIA NEWS- .
I hate that we have to use barcodes but as long as we do they might as well be artistic!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Thomas 2001: A Space Oddity

The Inquisition Museum