Tuesday, September 30, 2008
A nice & heated snake shaped rug

5 Insane space travel ideas that just might work

But there were some incredibly awesome technologies that never made it off the drawing board. All because we didn't have the foresight, there wasn't enough funding, and they sounded like they were made up by a kindergartner.
Also see our poll results on:
What Legacy Will Humans Leave In The Rocks?
Do We Live in a Giant Cosmic Bubble?

Earth may be trapped in an abnormal bubble of space-time that is particularly void of matter. Scientists say this condition could account for the apparent acceleration of the universe's expansion, for which dark energy currently is the leading explanation.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Dark Energy: Is It Merely An Illusion?

Crystal Cave of Wonders

I Am Beautiful Too: Slime Mold Rehabilitated

Sunday, September 28, 2008
Bat would gather data from sights, sounds, smells

That's the US Army's concept, and it has awarded the University of Michigan College of Engineering a five-year, $10-million grant to help make it happen.
Ride the (sound) wave

5.2 ft h x 9 ft w x 10.25 ft d
Installation at Brooklyn Academy of Music, New York
Records were melted and sculpted to form a cascading wave, dotted with bursts of colorful labels. The resulting structure speaks to the inevitable waves of technology that render each successive generation of recordable media obsolete. The piece also aims to physically manifest the ephemerality of music as well as one man’s musical tastes, as represented by his personal record collection.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
The more things change...
Behold the Dead Star...

The Art of Cowboys and Killer Robots

Friday, September 26, 2008
High-Tech Earth Houses

Stunning visualizations of science
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Mysterious New 'Dark Flow' Discovered in Space

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
45 million year old yeast orders another round

A 100 Tesla magnet for space launches
40 years yet....

Keith Chapman writes, "Electric cars are a subject of increasing interest lately. But, of course, they aren't all that new - work was going on long ago to try to get a modern electric car into consumers' hands.
Way back in 1968, the long-defunct American Motors company showed an interesting prototype called the Amitron. Besides being, in my ever-humble opinion, one of the cooler-looking electric prototypes I have seen, it also had some interesting claims and features."
Continued at: -RETROTHING- .
Monday, September 22, 2008
Together again for the last time...

As Tom explains over at his Astronomy Blog, having two shuttles on the pad at the same time is rare, but it is not a cause for concern. When the ISS is not available for rescue purposes, as it might not be for this mission, a second shuttle is made ready for a quick launch. What is sobering, however, is this image is potentially the last of its kind. The space shuttle program is scheduled for retirement in 2010, leaving little chance for similar shuttle family photos in the future.
Companies joining to push music on memory cards

(Better hope there isn't a strong breeze, or there goes your 'Misfits' and Iggy Pop collection right out the window! People will be losing these things like contact lenses, unless of course they have an RFID reader, in which case you can always find them if they get lost in the shag carpet.)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
To survive, tiger moths are bright for birds, click for bats
Scientists create world's thinnest balloon, just 1 atom thick

Saturday, September 20, 2008
Stephen King's epic 'The Stand' comes to comics

Following the success of the beautifully illustrated
Be the life of the party w/ the Evolution Mobile Bar

Smart Desks Make Sci-fi A Reality In The Classroom

Researchers at the Technology-Enhanced Learning Research Group (TEL) are designing new learning environments using interactive multi-touch desks that look and act like a large version of an Apple iPhone.
Friday, September 19, 2008
The Last House Standing
Thursday, September 18, 2008
StarCAVE Is a Real "Danger Room"

Barcode, by Vitruvius

10 Incredible Mud Structures and Citadels
Hubble Snaps Rare Aligned Galaxies

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Only $21,862.50!!!

Could inner zombie be controlling your brain?

We like to see ourselves as being completely conscious of our thought processes, of how we feel, of the decisions we make and our reasons for making them. When we act, it is our conscious selves doing the acting. But starting in the late 1960s, psychologists and neurologists began to find evidence that our self-aware part is not always in charge. Researchers discovered that we are deeply influenced by perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and desires about which we have no awareness.
Their research raised the disturbing possibility that much of what we think and do is thought and done by an unconscious part of the brain — an inner zombie.
Scientists Find Black Hole 'Missing Link'
And be sure to check out the massive -BLACK HOLE ARCHIVE- from Upsidebackwards.info.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
(another) 5 extremely cool research facilities

Be sure to check out -PART I- and -PART II- in this series.
'Ant from Mars' discovered in Amazon rainforest

They call it the "ant from Mars", a living member of the earliest representatives of the ants.
Cars in Space
Obviously the design criteria for four wheeled vehicles are somewhat different on other planets. This has yielded some of the most bizarre and fascinating vehicles ever proposed, from the giant Mobility Test Article test driven by Wernher von Braun to today’s rovers which have ditched the most expensive component of all, the driver.
Here are a variety of some of both classic and unusual space rovers from prototype to flown.
See all 21 Space Cars -AT LINK- .
Snapshot of a Planet Beyond the Solar System

Another recent article of semi-related news...
Ancient vomit and other record-breaking wonders

Dating back some 160 million years, it shares a modest glass case with other record-breaking curiosities of the Guinness universe. For example, the size 29 running shoes, which were once the property of actor Matthew McGrory who had the largest feet of any living person. There's also a model of Toronto's CN Tower which, the last time Guinness's zealous researchers checked, was still the tallest of its kind in the world. And, of course, there's a copy of the biggest selling copyright book in history, which just happens to be the Guinness Book of World Records.
In the age of the Internet, this fact-packed compilation of the curious, the awesome and the incredible continues to make publishing history.
The Roots of Science Fiction goes back Centuries

Scientists claim they will grow tree-homes in a decade

Scientists from the U.S and Israel have proposed building the ingenious 'tree-homes' in cities and towns as a way of saving the planet.
Using the advanced techniques of airoponics, where plants are grown without soil, the green-fingered researchers are confident the first prototype home could be ready in just ten years.
Visit the official company website at -PLANTWARE-
The Astonishing Eggs of Alien Nations
Monday, September 15, 2008
Internet is fostering disinformation, says web's creator
The internet risks becoming a platform for cults, rumour and disinformation, according to Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the man credited with creating the web.He said that a new system needed to be put in place that would differentiate between reliable websites that use trusted sources and those that do not.
"On the web, the thinking of cults can spread very rapidly and suddenly a cult which was 12 people who had some deep personal issues suddenly find a formula which is very believable," he told the BBC.
"A sort of conspiracy theory of sorts and which you can imagine spreading to thousands of people and being deeply damaging."
Because of course, you can only be considered "reliable" and "trustworthy" if you're a mainstream corporate news agency, right?
Pink Floyd founder & keyboardist Richard Wright dead at 65
Pink Floyd founder and keyboard player Richard Wright has died from cancer aged 65.